Wednesday, January 28, 2009

We all need to become millionaire

We all need to become millionaire ?

This I read it in today Star newspaper, B6 NEWS Starbiz Wednesday 28 January 2009. Sad to say, it did not provide any solutions.

I believed the answers can be found in the old classic book, the richest man from Babylon, by George Glason. 

The one I purchase long time ago was thought to be for Insurance Agents, I was very wrong, it did talk about insurance and how it got started. 

It was more on wealth creation.

 I will explain in plain, lay-man language for all to consider, and see how it can apply to your own scenario? 

It is in story form set in the Ancient Babylon time. 

Money is the medium by which earthly success is measured. 

Money makes possible the enjoyment of the best the earth affords. Money is plentiful for those who understand the simple laws which govern its acquisition. 

Money is governed by the same laws which controlled it when prosperous men thronged the streets of Babylon, six thousand years ago. 

  The 7 Cures & 5 Laws


 Start thy purse to fattening --- 

A part of what you earn is your to keep, Pay yourself 1st


Control thy expenditures

3. Make the gold multiply ---- 

Passive Income, Pipeline Income, Money making machines, "money make money"


Guard thy treasures from loss


Make of thy dwelling a profitable investment


Insure a future --- 

Multiple Sources of Income


 Increase the ability to earn --- 

Work harder on yourself than on your job! attend classes, seminars, books etc., to increase skill & knowledge to earned

The 5 Laws 

The 1st Law of Gold: 

Gold cometh gladly and in increasing quantity to any man who will put by not less than one-tenth of his earnings to create an estate for his future and that of his family. 

 * Pay your self first! * 

A part of what you earn is for you to keep! That is put into FFA [Financial Freedom Account] 


$ The 1st Cure = Start thy purse to fattening 

The 2nd Cure = Control thy expenditures 

The 2nd Law of Gold: 

Gold laboreth diligently and contentedly for the wise owner who finds for it profitable employment, multiplying even as the flocks of the field. 

 * Money make money [money making machines]

 * Multiple sources of Income 

* Leverages on time & resources 

 These will create, what I call pipeline income instead of the usual bucket income. 

Bucket income = exchange time for money! 


$ The 2nd Cure = Control thy expenditures 

$ The 3rd Cure = Make the gold multiply 

$ The 4th Cure = Guard thy treasures from loss

The 3rd Law of Gold

Gold clingeth to the protection of the cautious owner who invests it under the advice of men in its handling.

The 4th Law of Gold

Gold slippeth away from the man who invests it in businesses or purposes with which he is not familiar or which are not approved by those skilled in its keep.

The 5th Law of Gold

Gold flees the man who would force in to impossible earnings or who followeth the alluring advice of tricksters and schemers or who trusts it to his own inexperience and romantic desires in investment.

"The Richest Man in Babylon"

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Million Dollar Desire

What’s Your Million Dollar Desire? 

More importantly, To be really honest with you. I’m also going to be upfront with the fact that the real barrier to having all the Money, Success, Wealth and Happiness you want in life is much closer than you think. 

In other words, the real issue isn’t your lack of knowledge with stuff like SEO, PPC, writing sizzling sales copy, Adsense or anything like that. So here’s the deal. 
I’m going to walk you through the process of getting what you want. 

I’m going to show you the method; 
To build multimillion dollar businesses, from scratch. 
To most people it appears that I create money out of thin air! But first. I want to know YOUR “Million Dollar Desire”. 

In other words, I want to know what you really WANT in life. Not just what you “wish” you had… or what might be “nice”… I want to know what you REALLY WANT! Getting it, is the easy part. Where most people fail is in simply not KNOWING what they want. But that won’t be you --– not anymore. 

Are you with me? 


Tell me YOUR Million Dollar Desire. 
All you need to do is Contact me! 
Take some time and really share what it is you truly desire. Dig deep and be real. 

Remember, I’m going to show you exactly how to get it! 
So don’t wait! 
I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Instant Cashflow

Keys to Multiplying YOUR business Profits .




The Business Chassis .....

Conversion Rate
Average Dollar Sale
Frequency ( Transactions )

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Hello 2009 Byebye 2008

Happy Noo... Year to YOU! 

This is your year! 
Yes - it's time for YOU! 
Life is going to be Divine in 2009. 
YOU just watch and see .... 2008 is history .... and 2009 still a mystery! 

The beginning of a new year is always a great time to reflect on where you are in life. 
To ask yourself a couple of questions, 
"Am I where I really want to be"
"Am I doing what I really want to be doing"
"What can I do to get myself on track; to have a true daily purpose"
It is a great time to set some new goals: however, it is also a time where people give up early! 

When setting goals: 

We need to be passionate about them; 
We need to believe in ourselves, and Our ability to manifest them; We need to be able to visualise them actually happening; 
We also need to write them down as if we are already achieving them! 

I am living my life on purpose; 
I am ready for perfect health, wealth and wisdom to flow into my life with ease and joy; and 
I know and feel that I am worthy of receiving the best in life! 

S. M. A. R. T. E. R. 

Note: Please note that I have spoken about feeling ready and deserving! 
Why? There are three main keys in unlocking the door to creating anything! 

we must feel ready for whatever it is we are desiring; 

we must feel deserving (worthy) of receiving same; and, 

we must visualise and feel the results as if they are already with us, and constantly re-affirm to ourselves that they are happening .... 

In going through this process, do your best to make your desires stronger and more persistent than the excuses or bad habits which may try to sabotage you and your results! 
Do your best to recognise and minimise those obstacles, which may present themselves as saboteurs! And .... 
Do your best to avoid letting all of this slip behind into the busy---ness of life as the year progresses; and therefore do your best to stay on track and achieve what you deserve to achieve! Remember this: 

A positive attitude may not directly change your circumstances, but it will change the way you respond to your circumstances! 

  E + R = O Where; E = Event, R = Respond, O = Outcome. 

Positive people are much more likely than are negative people to turn their ideas into positive behaviour. 
Positive behaviour, in turn, does change circumstances, and usually for the better. 
To grab hold of a problem and rise above it, first grab hold of a positive thought! 

Some ways to challenge yourself this year .... 
This year is my year - it is time for me! 
I don't want to conform or comply or feel obligated - 
I am just being myself! I am teaching myself (and others) to take risks - rather than living in fear! 
I am learning the simplicity of enjoying every breath - because without them I'm stuffed! 
I have an attitude of gratitude for the simple things I have - like my ability to see! 
I am learning to be a walking talking lesson to others - because I'm teaching by example! 

Life Coach and Small Business Mentor Specialising in Wealth Dynamics Keynote Speaker: Life Skills and Business Topics Your Personal Guide to Passion & Success

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Building Trust

How to build trust? 

Trust is very important, especially in business. 
We are not doing business with business [robot] but with other humans.

  Start with small things/events first! 

 On time is one of the very important ingredients for success. 
Time spend is spend, we can not recall, money lost we can get it back in no time!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Peacock in your business

Put a Peacock in your business! 

  P. E. A. C. O. C. K. 

  P = Passion 
"Your Passion will be Your Compass" 

Why do the world's richest and most successful people keep on working? Warren Buffet's net worth runs in thousands of billions, and even spending $100 million a year, it would take him hundreds of years to finish off just the principle sum. 

The same goes for people like, Bill Gates, Micheal Dell, Donald Trump, Oprah Winfrey, Anthony Robbins, Bob Proctors, Lee Kar Seng, Lim Kim Yew and many others. Yet they still work most days of the week, in fact, I am certain if you do follow them around for just a day, you will be exhausted by how hard and long they work.

There's only one logical answer: 

Passion is the fuel that keep us going no matter what adversity we encounter, what obstacles come in our path on the road of success. It is what drives us on to take those few steps, even our bodies are exhausted. It is the one secret shared by all great achievers. 

Passion is an absolute necessity if you want to truly great, it is not something you can put on and off when the need arises. It is simply a burning fire that burns inside you, something you will find difficult to hide from those you come into contact. it is infectious, and it will attract like-minded people to you. 

 I believe my greatest strength is my passion for whatever I do. I may not be the most eloquent nor the most knowledge person, but I am certainly convincing and persuasive when it comes to my area of passion. 

Make certain you have a passion for what you’re doing. 

• Your belief system drives your success results. Establish belief in your company, your products and services, and yourself. Most important, believe that your customer is better off having purchased from you. 
• Attitude and enthusiasm are at the core of your thought process and expression. Your attitude either attracts or repels – and the best part of that is: you control it. 
• Love who you are. Loving yourself makes your self-confidence shine – and becomes a dominant factor in the decision-making process. 

 E = Energy & Enthusiasm 

A = Articulate 
 Articulate simply means to be fluent and clear in speech. It seems pretty easy to achieve for anyone. In fact, it probably may appear rather superfluous. But believe it or not, they may have great knowledge and experience and are highly qualified in their area, but unfortunately they are simply not articulate when it comes to conveying the message to their customers or clients. 
Good articulation is a skill that is easily learned, unlike its higher relative eloquence, which may take a little more time and effort. Practice, practice & practice! 
 That will help you on your journey of continuous improvement and growth. 

C = Caring 
"People don't care how much you know until they know how much your care." ---- unknown 

O = Optimistic 
 Now is the time of the Optimist. Optimistic executives get promoted faster and sooner, Optimistic people are happier, give a high moral, they have stronger immune systems, make more money are more attractive. Life is stacked in their favour. 

C = Consistent 
 Consistent in service & delivery is more important than quality! Look at those Franchise food outlet, example MacDonald, KFC, their fried chickens or burgers are not the best but doing great business. Others could prepare a better ones, but have little or lesser crowd. It about consistency that people are draws towards them. 

K = Knowledge 
 The more we know, the more we want to know; when we know enough, we know how much we don't know. ----- Carol Orlock 
"To know and not to do, is not yet to know." ----- Roger Hamilton 

If they are not even aware what is out there nor take trouble to update themselves by reading books or other means, I seriously question their ability to service their customers or clients. This may sound harsh, I truly believe good entrepreneur must absolutely be hungry to learn, especially about matters relating to their field or industry. 


These are elements you need to set you up to be a good entrepreneur: Passion to share, Lots of energy and enthusiasm, Good articulation, Caring for others, Great Optimism, Consistency and reliability, and Knowledge in your area you have chosen. 

Platform to promote YOUR Businesses & Services.
No joining fee for Merchants.

Developing your NICHE: I have learned long time ago not to be a generalist, generalist only in operation of your business, a specialise in a particular area if you want to be remembered as respected in your field or industry. 

  Bring your Life, Business and Relationships to the next level 

 * Discover Why people become very wealthy doing what they do … * Discover which is the best strategy for YOU to maximize your wealth creation potential 
* Discover the only way for you to build and accelerate your wealth, the way which comes naturally to you, so it is fun and sustainable! 
* Follow a proven path which others like you have already followed, enabling you to achieve success now.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

SOGR -13 - Getting into the Right Business

Getting into the Right Business 

[ 恰当地, 正确地, 无误, 正确, 正当, 纠正, 好, 行, 对, 准确, ----- 生意, 业务, 营业, 企业, 经商, 商务] 

 Success, in any particular business, depends for one thing upon your possession, in a well-developed state, the faculties required in that business. 

 All other things been equal, it is best to select the business for which you have the best developed talent, but if you have a strong desire to engage in any particular line of work, you should select that work as the ultimate end in which aim. 

 You can do what you want to do, and it is your right and privilege to follow the business or avocation which will be most congenial and pleasant. 

 As you go on in the certain way, opportunities will come to you in increasing number, and you will need to be very steady in your faith and purpose, and to keep in close touch with the supreme mind by reverent gratitude. 

 Do all that you can do in a perfect manner every day, but do it without haste, worry, or fear. Go as fast as you can, but never hurry.

  WORKBOOK [homework] 

Do you think you are in the right job or business? .............................................. 
If not? Why? ............................................... 
What is your passion? ................................................ 
What is your passion? .............................................. 
What will you do to be in the business or job that you are passionate about? ...............................................

Platform to promote YOUR Businesses & Services.
No joining fee for merchant.

SOGR - 12 - Efficient Action

Efficient Action 
[ 生效的, 有效率的, ----- 动作, 行动 ]

  The world is advanced only by those who more than fill their present places. Do, every day, all that you can do that day, and do each act in an efficient manner. 

The more things you do, the worst for you, if all your acts are inefficient ones. On the other hand, every efficient act is a success in itself, and if every act of your life is an efficient one, your whole life must be a success. 

You can make each act a success, because all power is working with you; and all power cannot fail. In order to do this, man must pass from the competitive to the creative mind; he must form a clear mental picture of the things he wants, and do, with faith and purpose, all that can done each day, doing each separate thing in an efficient manner. 

How much can you do each? ............................................. What will you do, to be more effective and more efficient? ...............................................................................................