Sunday, March 15, 2009

Realistic --- S.M.A.R.T.E.R.

Acronym use to achieve your Goals 

 Today, I am concern on the letter, 

R = Realistic 
S = pecific 
M = easurable 
A = chievable 
R = ealistic 
T = ime based 

 The above is highly logical, make use of our conscious mind, if you have challenges in achieving your goals or new year resolution. May be you may consider this one! 

The newer one; uses The Law of Attraction, as promote in the DVD "The Secret" 
The " R " have the same meaning in both the acronym.

 S = pecific 
M = otivational 
A = chievable 
R = ealistic 
T = ime based 
E = cology 
R = easons, 

" REASONS " lots of them, the more the easy and faster for you to realise it. ---------------- 
My learning when coaching my trainees, they have challenges on the letter, 

R = realistic, What is real or realistic! So what is REAL or Realistic? In this world, " 3 dimension " There are certain things within our control and many things beyond our control, that means we have no choice over them. So goals that are realistic, means actions or choices within our control. 

 For Example: 

My goal is to earn RM 1 million a month or more by 31st December 2009 is real or realistic

If My goal is make my friends earn RM 1 million a month or more by 31st December 2009 may not be real or realistic, unless they also want it! 

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