Do not be too concerned if you do not know or if you do not have one yet.
Now, lots of people may say, “I do not know what it is”, so they may not be conscious, be aware of.
And if you said to yourself, “Well, I don’t really know what it is” – that is in it self already something.
Because: Now you know that, you know that you don’t have one. That is already a step forward because before this you did not know that you did not know that you did not have a life motto.
Now! you are consciously aware that you don’t know or you don’t have one.
That in it self is already a step forward.
That is awareness.
Since now you know that you don’t have one, or you know that you don’t know what it is, you now try to create one, look for one, make one up so that now you have moved on from not knowing that you do not know, or not knowing that you do not have to knowing that you do not have or do not know.
So the next step would be to come up with one.
Take some time to think about what would the life purpose be.
Your life motto would be...
Life motto would be: if you can say what your life is about in a word, in a statement, in a code, in a metaphor, in a symbol – whatever it is.
If you were given 1 second, 5 seconds, or 10 seconds to say what your life is about, that would be your life motto – that is what my life is about.
So some people have a statement, or some people have a word, some people have a phrase, a caption – whatever it is that defines what your life is about.
And that could be a defining moment in your life because it is so much easier simplifying what your life is about in a statement rather than in a thousand words.
So take your time if your do not have one yet.
If you have one, write it down on, where it says “My Life Motto”.
I would like to thank you for giving us this opportunity to serve you yet again and I look forward to seeing you So I would like to thank you for giving me this opportunity to serve you.
By allowing us to serve you, you have served us.
For that, we are forever grateful.
Have a wonderful 2009.
I know it’s going to be a great year for you because you are writing your goals down.
That makes you 3% of the population on the planet who have written down goals.
For that I applaud you, for starting 2009 with a different stroke.
For that, let’s together make this happen in this great year so that whatever external environment no longer affects us because everything is in the power of our hands.
Together anything can happen because you and I, you and God, are a majority.