Saturday, October 25, 2008


We all possess goals which we wish to acquire in the future. 

Why Goals Setting Sucks? 

Why most New Year Wish or resolution did not materialize? 
What go wrong? 
If any? 
If You have been using S.M.A.R.T. goal, 
maybe it is time to have a S.M.A.R.T.E.R. G.O.A.L.S.


All that a man achieves or fails to achieve, is the direct results of his own thoughts! 
This implies the presence of unsatisfactory situation which requires a practical such as by going towards something better and more meaningful. 
Introduce the THREE Cs: 
I Choose 
I Claim 
I Connect

Decide where you want to go or be! [CHOOSE] 

Discover where you are now! [CLAIM] 

The way towards that goals! [CONNECT]. 
Just this simple! 

"Setiap KEJAYAAN Bermula Dari Satu IMPIAN"

We should wish to have goals, which are pure, for better or not for worse. If we aim for purity, we will move towards purity. If we instead, set our hearts and eyes on evil, we will then enter the domains of darkness. 

  Which route are you heading?

And when the conditions are ripe, you can move/propel at maximum velocity and power towards your goals. 
May your time soon arrive!