Wednesday, July 29, 2009

12 Reasons Why People Do not Get Wealthy

12 Reasons Why People Do Not Get Wealthy

12 Reasons Why People Do not Get Wealthy According to Wallace Wattles, in his popular wealth treatise called the Science of Getting Rich, said that, "There is a science of getting rich, and it is an exact science, like algebra or arithmetic. 

There are certain laws which govern the process of acquiring riches, and once these laws are learned and obeyed by anyone, that person will get rich with mathematical certainty." 

It is true. Those who make wealth know that it comes about by application of simple rules and principles. 

Those who don't make wealth don't know about these simple things, and so they assume that wealth is a result of luck or pure chance or something just as superstitious or silly. 

Anthony Robbins is one of the top success coaches in the world, having coached star sports players, heads of states and Fortune 500 executives. 

In his Get The Edge program, he listed down 12 specific reasons he has come to observe to be the leading causes for most people's lack of wealth. 

Here they are: 

 They never decide and really define, very specifically, what wealth means for them. The keyword here is specifically. Can you imagine how hard it would be to build a car or a plane without making a blueprint or sketch drawings of it first? 
You have to know what your target is before you go chasing after it. 

They make wealth a moving target instead of a fixed one (this is related to point one above). Once you have your target, fix it. 
Do not change it until you reach it. You must accomplish each step, celebrate, and then set course for a new step, a new target. 

They define it in a way that seems unreachable. You only achieve what you believe. No more, no less. So you must make it believable for you. Set goals that will make you move forward and stretch, but not too high that even you yourself don't believe you can. Take the biggest step you believe you can, achieve it, then take the next biggest you believe you can. This will build positive reinforcement in your self-confidence as well. 

They never start. Ok, this is obvious. 
If you keep thinking about it forever, it will forever remain in the thought level. 
You have to act! 
Start somewhere, anywhere! 
Only after you start do you begin to get some feedback, which will help you plot your course better. The aircraft has to first take off before it starts to adjust course for its destination. 

You must start, somewhere, anywhere, doesn't matter, just start! 

They never make it a must. Let me explain what it means to make it a must. It means marshalling all your intent, your will, your direction, into one singular flow that is directed towards your goal. All obstacles are viewed as challenges to be overcome. 

You will meet obstacles, and so expect it, but also expect to move forward anyways. Use your obstacles to develop strength and skills, don't run away. Find out how to go past them. 

Find out! There is always a way, always. And if your emotions are acting against your desire, embrace them, learn what they are, know yourself, but keep moving forward. Make it a must, and it will happen. Guaranteed. 

You do not know in how many steps it will take, but you know it will happen. 

They do not have a realistic plan. If you want to do something, find out how it is done from someone who has done it before. Make a realistic plan. Copy from those who have succeeded before you. But do not throw away your intuition. 

Your intuition is extremely powerful once you learn how to listen to it with practice. 

If they have a realistic plan, they never follow through on the plan. Well, if you do not follow the plan, who will? 

They give responsibility to others ("experts") instead of to themselves. This way, they never really learn how to do it, and if there are failures they never learn why the failures happened and so they are bound to repeat them. It is a good idea to get advice, but do it yourself. At least understand it yourself even if you will delegate the actual doing. 

They give up when they face challenges. Going through the challenges is what has made people rich, not giving up. Look, there are always challenges. So get used to that. You will only get where you wish to get to if you are willing to face the challenges along the path. All challenges are opportunities dressed in work clothes, remember that. After the challenge is over, you will discover the amazing fruit it held for you. 

They fail to conduct their lives as a business; they never ensure that they make a profit year by year. Get a personal finance package like Quicken or Microsoft Money. You need to have budgets and cash flow statements for your personal finances and your businesses. 

It is easy with those software packages. If you do not keep records and track, you would not know when you are making or losing money until it is embarrassingly too late. 

They allow other people's ideas to affect their decisions unreasonably. There will always be people who do not believe in your way, or who are pessimistic, who try to pull you down, or whatever. 

And they will sometimes be your closest friends and family. You cannot change that - they have a right to be who they are. 
It is OK. 

Allow them their thoughts, do not judge them for that, but do not feel obligated to accept their thoughts of follow their way. Do not allow other people, now or from the past, unreasonably affect your decisions. Allow them their way, and you live your way. 

They do not get quality coaching. This is extremely important! Coaching is simply getting mentored by someone who has succeeded wildly in the area of your interest. Get coaching! Our education system hardly equips us for real life, so do not assume that because you went to college you are properly equipped. 

You need to keep learning. 
The most successful people attend seminars, read books, join mastermind groups and clubs, find mentors, network, and even hire expensive personal coaches to make sure they succeed. 

How many of these reasons can you identify with? Well, now that you see the reasons, you now can look at yourself and make sure that you don't follow ways that are known to not lead to wealth. Follow what works and it will work. 

And do not forget to enjoy yourself along the way.

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Sunday, July 26, 2009



Born in 1935 as the middle child of a modest family in Northern Ontario, Canada. Robert Proctor was not an outstanding youth. Born into a worldwide depression that only gave way for a Second World War, Bob (like many of his peers) just wasn't interested in school. 

As a result, he didn't do very well, eventually dropping out just a few months of high school. Even in the 1950s there were few lucrative career choices for high-school dropouts, so he soon joined the Canadian Navy for a four-year stint. After a mostly uneventful stint, he came home to Ontario, settling down in Toronto to work as a fire fighter. 

He has since described himself during this period as being "broke, sick and miserable." 

So, when his friend Ray Standford gave him a copy of Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, he was ready for a change.

He quickly decided to put the ideas outlined in the book to use. The first thing he did was take a figure he wanted to make, write it down, concentrate on it and keep it in the pocket. 

The initial sum of $25,000 may seem modest by today's standards, but in 1961, it was several times the average blue-collar wage in Toronto, even someone so lucky as to have a steady and lucrative positive such as a city employee. 

To the protests of his brother fire fighters, he quit anyhow. Shortly, he'd started up a janitorial company that specialized in cleaning offices. Just twelve months after that, he was the head of a nation-wide janitorial chain and had made several times his original goal. Within a few years, he was a millionaire. 

Clearly the book had some sort of effect. He felt compelled to share this success with others through sharing the secret he'd learned. Bob was ready to learn more and he devoured all the books he could come across on the subject, many from 19th century such as those by the proponents of New Thought Movement. 

He continued to study and found a mentor in Earl Nightingale, creator of the gold record winning "The Strangest Secret," and voice of over 7,000 motivational radio broadcasts. A pioneer of the self-help movement that sprung up in the 1970s, Earl taught sales forces and housewives alike that "you become what you think," since it occurred to him "like a bolt out of the blue," while preparing an inspirational talk for insurance salesmen in 1958. 

Bob went to work with him as a content salesperson in Chicago, Illinois, and soon became Earl's right hand man. In the mid 1970's Proctor decided to begin his career as a life coach and continues, 30 years later, in that capacity. 

In the ensuing years, Bob has taught executives at scores of companies such as Prudential and Metropolitan Life as well as Malaysia Airlines. He continued to seek new material to explained why some people were successful and some were not. Dr. C. Harry Roder of San Antonio's Concept Institute, Eric Hoffer of The True Believer fame and Leland Von Syring are among those Bob made acquaintance of during his travels to work with corporate clients. 

They gave Bob indispensable advice that he's incorporated into his programs and seminars. Any time he noticed his life was going along much more smoothly than before, he sought out the nugget of wisdom and investigated it. 

The resulting program is, in essence, his life's work. 
He has written numerous books on the topics of getting what you want out of life and fulfilling goals since the 1960s including The Success Puzzle, The Winner's Image, The Goal Achiever and his highly influential and best selling, You Are Born Rich. 

Most recently he's been featured on the phenomenally successful movie "The Gift", as an interviewee and philosopher. With other experts from the film Bob has been conducting seminars to teach people how to use the power of thought to propel themselves into the powerful people they can become. 

Bob claims to be spry as ever, in his early 70s, expressing sincere gratitude for his good fortune and abundance everyday. 

He remains committed to the teaching of his system for attaining personal satisfaction. 

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Saturday, July 18, 2009

Trainer Profile

Trainer Profile :

Self Mastery Learning Centre. Bob Proctor's Asia Master Coach Dev


Trinity University

Business Coaching Action International Business Coaching


The Malaysian Insurance Institute Basic Agency Manager certificate

 The Malaysian Insurance Institute Investment Link

Money & You, Year 1996

City & Guild of London Institute Full Technological 

Founding Member formerly known as Life member of XL Nation

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Financial Freedom

Jars System

Open a separate account designated as your Financial Freedom Account. Put 10% of every after-tax dollar you receive into this fund. 

This money is only for investments, buying or creating passive-income streams. The job of this account is to build a golden goose that lays golden eggs called passive income. 

And when do you spend this money? 


It's never spent. Only invested. 

Eventually, when you retire, you get to spend the income from your Financial Freedom Fund, but never the principal itself. This way, it keeps growing and you can never go broke. Many of my students have had amazing stories to tell about their experiences with this method. 

Some have even gone from bankruptcy to financial freedom just using this method. Even if you only have $1 --manage that dollar. The principle of managing you money is more important than the amount you manage. 

 One of the biggest secrets to managing money is balance. On one side, you want to save enough to invest. On the other side, you want to put 10% into a "play" account. 

Because you can't affect one part of your life without affecting the other. 

If you only save, save, save, your logical mind might be happy, but your inner spirit will feel deprived. Eventually, this fun-loving part of you will say "Enough! I want some attention too," and sabotage your results. 

 But if you only spend, you wind up not enjoying the things you spend your money on and feeling guilty. The guilt will cause you to overspend even more to make you feel better. And it might work for a while. But then you're back to guilt and shame. The only way out of the vicious cycle is to learn how to manage your money in a way that works. So have a play account specifically for that purpose. It's to nurture yourself. 

I want you to BLOW that money every month. That's right, blow it! On an extravagant restaurant and champagne. On renting a boat for the day. Or staying in a high-class hotel for a night of fun and frolic. The only way most of us will stay with a savings and money management plan is with a playing plan that will reward us for our efforts. 

The play account is to strengthen your "receiving" muscle. Remember how I said rich people are excellent receivers? It also makes managing your money a whole lot more fun. 

In addition to your Play Account and your Financial Freedom Account, I advise you to create four more accounts: 10% into your Long-Term Savings for Spending Account 10% into your Education Account 50% into your Necessities Account 10% into your Give Account Again, the poor think getting rich is all about income --that you have to earn a fortune to get rich. 

If you follow this program, you can become financially free on a relatively small income. 

If you mismanage your money, you can't become financially free even on a huge income. I love hearing graduates of the Millionaire Mind Intensive share how much more confident they feel around money, success and themselves once they begin managing their money properly. The best part is hearing how other parts of their lives improve. 

Money is a big part of your life, and when you learn how to get your finances under control, all areas of your life --your relationships, your health, your happiness --will soar. 

Action #1 
Open your Financial Freedom Account at the bank. Deposit 10% of all your after-tax income. And DON'T TOUCH THIS MONEY! It's only to be invested to produce passive income for your retirement.

Action #2 
Create a Financial Freedom jar in your home and deposit money into it every day. It could be $10, $5, $1, a single penny, or all your loose change. Again, this will put daily attention on your financial freedom. REMEMBER: Where attention goes, energy flows and results show. 

 Action #3 
Open your Play Account at the bank, or have a Play Account jar at home where you deposit 10% of all your income. In addition, open four more accounts and deposit the following percentages into each: 10% into your Long-Term Savings for Spending Account 10% into your Education Account 50% into your Necessities Account 10% into your Give Account 

 Action #4 
Whatever money you have, begin managing it now. Do not wait another day. Even if you only have a dollar, manage that dollar. Take ten cents and put it into your Financial Freedom Account jar. Another ten cents goes into your Play jar. This action alone will send a message to the universe that you are ready for more money. 

 Action #5
-Declaration Put your hand on your heart and say, "I am an excellent money manager." Touch your head and say..."I have a millionaire mind." Good job. Now practice this principle over the next 30 days and watch your mind, thoughts and financial life transform. 

For your freedom, T. Harv Eker P.S. The Millionaire Mind Intensive is where we can really work with you and change your money blueprint on a deeper and more permanent level. 

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Wealth File

Wealth File #14 

Rich people manage their money well. 
Poor people mismanage their money well. 

It's not your income that makes you rich. It's what you keep and how you use it. That's basically the conclusion Thomas Stanley, came to in his best-selling book, The Millionaire Next Door after interviewing millionaires across North America. 

As he said, "Rich people are good at managing their money." The fact is, everybody manages their money. The difference is, rich people are good at managing their money and poor people are good at mismanaging their money. 

So let me ask you: 
Are you good at managing your money? 
Or mismanaging it? 
Do you control your money, or does your money control you? 
The simple truth is this: in order to master money, you must manage money. 

 This is the Wealth File we'll be working on. We'll begin in a moment. But first I want to remind you of something before we get started: please be kind to yourself. You're learning new mental habits. 

You may slip back into your old thought habits from time to time. That is OK. 
In fact, it's great if you catch yourself thinking in the old ways. Simply congratulate yourself for catching yourself, simply say to that old voice "Cancel, cancel. Thank you for sharing." 
And replace the old thought habit with this new, millionaire thought habit. 

The concepts --the new files --you're learning are simple but very profound. They make real changes for real people in the real world. Just remember it's imperative you put each file into action as quickly as possible so that the knowledge can move to a physical, cellular level. 

That way, it can create lasting and permanent change. I know how it's like to be broke. I've been there. The temptation is to think, "I don't have enough money to manage." The problem with this kind of thinking is, it's looking through the wrong end of the telescope. 

Instead of "when I have plenty of money, I'll begin to manage it" the reality is "when I begin to manage it, I'll have plenty of money." That's like saying "I'll start exercising when I lose weight." 

The way it works is, 
FIRST start handling what you have properly and 
THEN you'll have more money to handle. 

 At the Millionaire Mind Intensive, I tell a story that hits people right between the eyes: Imagine you're with a five year-old child. 

You walk into an ice cream shop and you buy her an ice cream cone. The two of you walk outside. No sooner do you get outside, though, that she licks her ice cream and PLOP! It falls off and onto the sidewalk. 

She starts to cry. So back into the store you go to buy her another one. And just then, the child sees a colourful sign with a picture of the "triple scooper" cone. Delighted, she points to the picture and squeals "I want that one!" 

Question: Being the kind, loving and generous person that you are, would you go ahead and get her the triple scooper? 
You might be tempted to say "sure." 
But think about it. 
Why would you set the child to fail again? 
She couldn't even handle a single scoop. 
How could she possibly handle a triple scoop? 
By the same token, why would a kind, loving universe give you more than you could handle? 

The universe is saying "Until you show you can handle what you've got, you won't get any more!" So how exactly do you manage your money? 

At the Millionaire Mind Intensive, we teach an amazingly simple and effective money management system. It's beyond the scope of to go into it in detail, but let me give you a couple of basics to get started.

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Will Coaching Change Your Life?

" Will coaching change your life? " 

 The answer is: 
Maybe not. Surprised? 
I say "maybe not" for two reasons. 

First, it's the coaches
Almost none of them have any understanding of soul connections. They have no clue about the spiritual reasons for the shifts taking place in the world. Even so-called "business coaches" are likely to have little or no business experience. 

They're trained to be "accountability partners" -- they will nudge you when you don't stick to your goals list, and that's about it. 

Second, it's the clients. 
 Few people who sign up for coaching are looking for much beyond the initial energy burst of "doing something" about their situation. It's like joining a gym when you want to "do something" about your fitness level. 

But joining the gym does nothing unless you go to the gym and do workouts that challenge you on a regular basis. Ever wonder why gyms try to collect the full year's membership up front? 
They know 90% of people will drop out. 

HOWEVER... coaching CAN change your life... IF you come to coaching with a willingness to explore ideas and actions that open you to ever-greater levels of freedom, satisfaction, and success.

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